Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I started a great book today called To Dance with God by Gertrud Mueller Nelson.  In the second chapter she professes “Since the beginning of time, humankind has centered and located itself in the sacred.”(11)

“Without Conscious rites to close the day, even the enlightened adult can come up against some curious compulsions, habits, or superstitious behaviors which are an attempt to close the day and guard against the powerful and unknown elements of the unconscious.”(15) 

I wonder how our lives would be different if we still practiced the hours. I know for me personally I consistently desire to find the grace of the sacred in my day. Yet, amidst the want, I do not intentionally ingratiate my day with intentional divine moments.  How much of our personal neurosis comes from not intentionally opening, maintaining and closing our day with the sacred? 

Do we need to find a new way (or embrace and old way) for our communities to find the sacred within the space of their day?  Anyone got any good ideas? 

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