Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Meeks #2

We've all seen the bumper sticker and billboards. In some parts of the United States they're inescapable. "Christ[or Jesus] is the answer." I confess that when i see these signs my silent response is something like, "but what is the question?"In fact i have known people who make a game of invention impious questions to which Christ could be the answer. [Such as "whats a six letter word that means 'i just dropped a rock on my foot.')

It is understandable that many non Christians are offended by the slogan; it bespeaks a careless and superficial kind of proselytizing.

The more i study the bible and theology the more "confirmed in my judgment that Jesus Christ is the Question, not the answer." (parenthesis Meeks)

1 comment:

Paul Harrington said...

and sometimes when we are busy articulating answers and formulating questions, we completely miss the sheer exhilaration of experiencing a moment in the presence of God.