Monday, November 16, 2009

Transforming the Mainline Church: #3 chapter number 3

Chesnut talks about how many of our churches get stuck back in their history. For his church it was in the 1950’s. “Getting stuck in ones history can become a vicious self defeating cycle.” The problem is we go back to the glory days and try to recreate them but the period when those methods worked has changed so we are trying to create and archaic system in a new time. This is destined to fail.

23- “a mature society must make a particular effort to reward its innovators, because its very maturity discourages innovation….It is not so much a question of possessions as of the attitude one takes toward them. If affluent individuals commit themselves unreservedly to the conservation of their resources, affluence can be a deadening force. But if they regard their resources as providing a wide margin within which they can enjoy the luxury of creative experimentation with their environment, affluence can be a blessing…few understand how essential …flexibility is for continuous renewal. Assets committed to the goal of continuous renewal will never be a burden”

“Flexibility, creative experimentation, innovation, risk taking, continuous renewal- sounds sort of entrepreneurial, doesn’t it? Like the parable of the talents, with the same promise and the same warning.”

It is in flexbiltiy freedom and innovation that our communities will continue to exist and thrive.

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