Christmas more than any other time in our lives seems to pull out the worst in people. I have found myself the last two weeks with a consistently broken heart. I think a deeper understanding and connection to the theology of the imago dei would awaken us to treat our fellow humans better.
(image of God) As a theological term, is applied uniquely to humans, which denotes the symbolical relation between God and humanity. The term has its roots in Genesis 1:27, wherein "God created man in his own image. . ." This scriptural passage does not mean that God is in human form, but rather, that humans are in the image of God in their moral, spiritual, and intellectual nature. Thus, humans mirror God's divinity in their ability to actualize the unique qualities with which they have been endowed, and which make them different than all other creatures: rational structure , complete centeredness, creative freedom, a possibility for self-actualization, and the ability for self-transcendence.
“The term imago Dei refers most fundamentally to two things: first, God's own self-actualization through humankind; and second, God's care for humankind. To say that humans are in the image of God is to recognize the special qualities of human nature which allow God to be made manifest in humans. In other words, for humans to have the conscious recognition of their being in the image of God means that they are the creature through whom God's plans and purposes can be made known and actualized. This also creates a unique connection among humans in their care for one another. If we are all made in God’s image then how we care for one another directly relates to how we understand and care for God. Humans, in this way, can be seen as Created co-creators with God. The moral implications of the doctrine of imago Dei are apparent in the fact that if humans are to love God, then humans must love other humans, as each is an expression of God.. Humans differ from all other creatures because of their rational structure - their capacity for deliberation and free decision-making. This freedom gives the human a centeredness and completeness, which allows the possibility for self-actualization and participation in a sacred reality. However, the freedom which makes the human in God's image is the same freedom which manifests itself in estrangement from God, as the narrative of the Fall (Adam and Eve) exemplifies. According to this narrative, humans can, in their freedom, choose to deny or repress their spiritual and moral likeness to God. The ability and desire to love one's self and others, and therefore, God, can become neglected and even opposed. Striving to bring about the imago Dei in one's life can be seen as the quest for wholeness, or one's "essential" self, as pointed to in Christ's life and teachings.”
At Christmas when we celebrate the coming of God into the world, taking on the fullness of humanity, embodying our status of imago dei status, I am confounded with the image he presents. His image is that of an infant… gentle…full of peace and lacking the capacity to harm another… dependant… and full of innocence. This season may we embody the imago dei!
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