Wednesday, March 5, 2008

gnilka: the prodigal son

in our case the resolve of the son who has been driven into the worst of predicaments, to return to the father does not really arise from a repentant attitude but primarily from the quite sober realization that this is the only way for him to survive. he knows that he has nothing left to claim in his fathers house. the status as day laborer seems to be the only compromise possible. This realization directs the attention solely to the behavior of the father, who makes possible the sons return and ultimately his ability of repentance

it is the father who sees the son, runs to the son embraces the son, proclaims a party for the son. The father's behavior brings about the possibility for transformation. It is through Christ that i am granted complete forgiveness and renewed acceptance, thus becoming again able to experience the fathers presence as the father.

I found this parable renewed and profound today in my Christology of globalization course. there is both freedom and finiteness (Reinhold Neibuhr) found when we accept the principle of God's pursuance.

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