Thursday, March 20, 2008

Leadership Magazine #1

The first day of spring i picked up the winter edition of leadership magazine. the next two post will be about the winter edition. I am new to this magazine but i think it published by Christianity today. The have a mix of conservative and moderate contributers. none from the more liberal side but at least a strong moderate representation. i know that this shouldn't matter but what can i say i would prefer a magazine that offers a fully rounded perspective and allows the reader to learn from all perspectives.

enough of that. The first article that i found helpful was by Tim Keel(Laci's old pastor). In "An Efficient Gospel?" He argues that the gospel isn't to small but the world aka (modernity) is two small of a world view in which to hold the gospel. he argues that Jesus Christ isn't only redeemer, but also creator. I think this is an important recognition. But not one that is just trapped in modernity. We must recognize the fullness of the trinity in understanding and articulation of the gospel. God as trinity according to the Lutheran tradition can be recognized as (creator) Father, (Redeemer) Son, and (sanctifier) Spirit. A Historical understanding of the faith encompasses all of these actions in one harmonious being. "when we reduce Jesus to redeemer only, we miss another essential element of our faith that Jesus is also creator." (and also sanctifier) Parenthesis mine To recognize the perichoresis, or the mutual interdependence and interpenetration of the persons of the trinity is essential to a broader and more profound understanding of gospel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.